Happiness is an active and creative process and Architecture is a part of it.
Making projects integrate rules and laws with a wide variety of knowledge. The Architect makes the difference only by his design.
Why I design?
Design is not only the answer to be esthetic aspect of a project but it is also a duality between freedom and focus, space and containment, and usage and comfort.
I design to communicate ideas, innovate in concepts, develop projects, and make them real through the design process with education and practice.
Architecture is a tool to create a better life. My motivation is exploring and using Architecture to reinforce cultural and individual faith, to support local economics, and to promote ecological balance.
A project is sustainable and esthetic when it is harmonious in its conception, structure, technique, and materials and when it is harmonious with its location, environment, users, and social-cultural context.


Principal & Designer : Heighteen years experience in architectural innovation and design. Skilled in planning, detailing, designing and coordinating projects both in the public and private sectors with all internal or external needed teams. Registered in France as Architect DPLG, Florida registration in process.

Principal & Designer at DATIKA : Eric Loizeau is our partner in France for several years, his expertise none the less in property project manager is a must for all our overseas projects. Registered In France as Architect DPLG.

LMGA is been our Parisian partner in many years for commercials and offices projects with high quality in finished demands.