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Happiness is an active and creative process and Architecture is a part of it.

Making projects integrate rules and laws with a wide variety of knowledge. The Architect makes the difference only by his design.


Why I design?


Design is not only the answer to be esthetic aspect of a project but it is also a duality between freedom and focus, space and containment, and usage and comfort.


I design to communicate ideas, innovate in concepts, develop projects, and make them real through the design process with education and practice.


Architecture is a tool to create a better life. My motivation is exploring and using Architecture to reinforce cultural and individual faith, to support local economics, and to promote ecological balance.


A project is sustainable and esthetic when it is harmonious in its conception, structure, technique, and materials and when it is harmonious with its location, environment, users, and social-cultural context.




© 2015 by A2Z Architects LLC, Robin ANEZIN.


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